it's been a while since i've written. i guess i was a little surprised by the responses that i got from the last little ditty i wrote and i wanted to respond in turn but haven't know exactly how to yet... first of all, i loved the responses; there is not shortage of well written images of love and support, and i feel blessed to be able to receive that energy. at the same time i felt guilty. the five paragraphs seemed to strike a chord, and my sister was not the only one to write me and ask if everything was ok.
so i looked back at what i wrote, and it is SAD. i didn't think i was sad, a little homesick maybe... missing my wife, my family, my friends, good mexican food... but i didn't think i was sad. i was laying in bed looking through my iTunes library remarking on all the albums that i have had since the beginning of time, but that remain nonetheless unchecked... never to be downloaded onto my wee pod. i was wondering why i keep those albums, and i couldn't explain. i didn't know. so i figured i would ask one of them, "hey CD! yah you! how do you feel?" and see what they would say.
silly patrick, you might say... CDs can't talk
oh but they can.
they sing all the time, just like most everything... most people just don't take the time to listen, but there are songs everywhere. a sail can sing about it's weariness in a storm. an ice cube can sing about relaxing into oblivion. the wind can sing about the frustration of trying to grab the world without fingers. a dam holding back a great river can sing about dreams.
there is a voice for everything and anything can have a message that can anyone can understand... a poet or writer or songwriter is just a translator.
so yes. everything is ok. i feel a little far from the world at times, but i always was one to look for distance from time to time to regain my perspective. there are a lot of thoughts running around in this little head of mine, more than one of them is related with what i am doing over here and where that fits into the scope of the world, the universe, my life, my karma, and my future.
so many thoughts are not easily organized or easily shared. i am continually learning the extent to which i guard my thoughts, and i am constantly trying to relax my grasp on them. it would be nice to know what is going on in my center. in the meantime, i may ask a tree what it thinks... or a door... or a CD even. if you have any questions, let me know... i may answer here or perhaps in an email, but i'll answer if i can.
thank you. i love you too.