Monday, September 28, 2009


September. Mid September. I took this a week ago.

The leaves have all fallen now, except for a few stubborn ones.

It isn't quite sticking though, but that won't last for long.

They don't call it winter here till it's ankle deep.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

And the winner is...

Honolulu: for the most freakishly consistent weather award. Although
it isn't a palindrome.

Although 88 IS a palindrome in itself. Damn. Hawaii is awesome. How
does it DO that?


Aw... NYC has a palindrome day on thursday… now I don't feel very

AND it's way warmer there. Definitely not snowing in September.

Palindrome Wednesday

So check it out:
on wednesday, the high is 42˚ and the low is 24˚

palindrome Wednesday!