Sunday, November 02, 2008


it's only 4am.

i have two more hours to kill before i roll into bed... i'm on the night train and i like it.

there is something peaceful about being up in the middle of the night when everyone else is in bed. i preferred it when i was in school, and i think i still prefer it now. as much as i like to socialize, i like to have my time to myself as well. i'm not sure if everyone i work with could understand that. most of them seem addicted to peer attention and social interaction. i guess i'm just not as much of a social animal... as much.

i'll admit, i like company just as much as the next person, but i rarely crave it in the way that some people around here do.

i'm listening to Amon Tobin's album Permutation. i just bought it today... i think i may be officially addicted to iTunes. they should seriously have a mileage program (or something) with their accounts... i'd have a free round-trip ticket to anywhere in the continental United States by now... anyways, the album rocks. me gusta... as them native spanish speakers say.

and, as i said that, i just bought Venetian Snares' album Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletatt... somebody stop me... no more iTunes.

i put some more photos up on Flickr today. it has also been a while since i had done that... since early September, right after i got back from Mongolia. i figure it was about time... besides, i am working on a little project that got me refocused again.

i LOVE projects... capital L

now it's 05:30am... time for sleep i suppose... lest the sun rise and throw my clock off.
good night.

As-Salāmu Aleykum

myself: it has... once again... been awhile... welcome back me.

me: thanks, it's good to be back myself

myself: where have you been, i must ask?

me: apparently i have been waylaid by the distractions.

myself: the distractions, eh? do explain.

me: well, you see... the distractions are those little things that distract us... me, myself, and I... and depending on the current, the distractions can be more or less effective.

myself: what current might this be?

me: the current is the flow of daily life... it's tied into the larger flow of the week... and then again into the months and years that make up the current of our lives... it requires that there be a positive charge and a grounded element to create the motion, direction, and flow... IF one of those two elements is missing, the flow can slow, stop, or even reverse. THAT's when the distractions come in... they act as resistors to flow... they act to diffuse the current and to dilute it, creating a loss of focus and perspective.

myself: that sounds pretty cosmic amigo.

me: well, it is friend... quite cosmic indeed.

myself: so what has changed? i assume the current had stalled... and now it's flowing again?

me: good way to think of it i suppose... current can only go one way at a time. if it tries to go in to many directions at once, it'll stall every time, especially if there is no ground... and i had been missing a ground for quite some time.

myself: i would say so. it's been since July first, but better late than never i suppose. it's just good to see you writing again. it feels pretty cleansing doesn't it?

me: yes sir it does; quite cleansing. i can't even imagine at this point what would have made me put down the pen for so long... that's four long months.

myself: yeah, but you were pretty busy that whole time. you were getting ready to spend a month bouncing around between a week in Florida and two weeks in Mongolia... then you were back home for two weeks, then you were off again to Montgomery, Alabamba for five weeks. so now this is the longest you've been home in 4 months.

me: yeah, i suppose, AND i'm leaving again next weekend for Ubergirlelijah's wedding.

myself: TOTALLY looking forward to THAT!

me: indeed.

myself: so you're good? back in one piece?

me: i'm good. focusing on getting the current back on track... trying to keep it focused and not spread out in too many directions.

myself: Insha'allah.

me: indeed.
