Sunday, November 02, 2008


it's only 4am.

i have two more hours to kill before i roll into bed... i'm on the night train and i like it.

there is something peaceful about being up in the middle of the night when everyone else is in bed. i preferred it when i was in school, and i think i still prefer it now. as much as i like to socialize, i like to have my time to myself as well. i'm not sure if everyone i work with could understand that. most of them seem addicted to peer attention and social interaction. i guess i'm just not as much of a social animal... as much.

i'll admit, i like company just as much as the next person, but i rarely crave it in the way that some people around here do.

i'm listening to Amon Tobin's album Permutation. i just bought it today... i think i may be officially addicted to iTunes. they should seriously have a mileage program (or something) with their accounts... i'd have a free round-trip ticket to anywhere in the continental United States by now... anyways, the album rocks. me gusta... as them native spanish speakers say.

and, as i said that, i just bought Venetian Snares' album Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletatt... somebody stop me... no more iTunes.

i put some more photos up on Flickr today. it has also been a while since i had done that... since early September, right after i got back from Mongolia. i figure it was about time... besides, i am working on a little project that got me refocused again.

i LOVE projects... capital L

now it's 05:30am... time for sleep i suppose... lest the sun rise and throw my clock off.
good night.

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