Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Nonaudible expressions of discomfort

So this just happens: I am wearing flip flops (also known as thongs, sandals, or go-backs in different parts of the world) and as I am getting out of my car my left large toenail gets caught on some maldesigned part of the car door and kinda peels back a little bit (just past the quick). I feel it immediately, of course, but instead of saying “OW!” or “SON OF A...” or just “FUCK!”, I stand there and make a silent agonized scream face with my mouth all open and screamy like and my eyes all scrunched up in mid scream fashion as if I was giving some age old battle cry before running forth to slay my enemies.

I can’t imagine what it might have looked like to the casual observer, or anyone else for that matter who may have, at that precise moment looked up from their peaceful little world to behold such a countenance of twisted proportion.

Why, I ask, do I choose to express my intense yet transient agony in such a silent yet expressive form?

I do not know such things for sure.

hanging 2

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