Friday, April 06, 2007

sometimes i swear

i cussed a few times today.

i'm not proud of it, but it felt good just the same.

why is that? what is it about expletives that seem to vent stress? i wonder if it really does, because usually the stress and the anxiety is still there when the steam clears.

it's like a dog barking... no, hear me out... what exactly is a dog saying when he barks? maybe that he's scared, or threatened, or happy, or that he feels neglected... but that is all in the intonation... the actual 'woof' is...well... nonsense. it's a sound.

when i yell out an expletive, it is my inner person barking. it tells the people around me how i'm feeling. it isn't the word itself, but whether my tail is between my legs, or if my ears are laying flat against my head, or if the hair of my neck is standing up, that determines what i am saying.

just like a bark there is usually a hard consonant or glottal stop at the end of expletives.

sometimes it is just hard to say what you want to say and a bark just works better.

ask your dog, he knows what i mean.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True dat