Wednesday, October 31, 2007

on this day...

i had an idea. nothing earth shattering and not even completely original, put personal and possibly life changing nonetheless.

and i'm not going to share it here... not because i don't think you are important enough, because you most certainly are, but because it is still new and fresh. it still needs to gather strength and take on a form of it's own, outside of my mind.

one day though... one day soon it will be all growed up and ready to leave the house on it's own.

until then, i just have this day... and the idea.

little idea


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!! I too had a really good idea yesterday. Maybe it was the universal day of good thinking? I did, however, tell my husband this morning. Did I jinx it?

kidnoonan said...

that couldn't possibly jinx it. your husband is entirely too cool! i'd like to think it WAS the universal day of good thinking. that only strengthens both of our good ideas. :)