Tuesday, June 24, 2008

weird dream

so i'm going to do something here that i haven't done in a while... since i was a kid actually.

i'll explain:
when i was a kid. if i had a bad dream, i would most likely wake up, be all scared, then go back to sleep to the very same dream. it was so frustrating. when i was about 14 or so, i thought maybe i should try writing them down as a way to get those dreams out of my head, so i kept a notebook beside my bed. if the same dream woke me up a couple of times, i'd just turn on my light, write down as much of the dream as i remembered, and go back to sleep... usually peacefully, and often i'd never have that dream again.

so here i am. an adult, having a bad dream. granted, i know it's a bad dream, which i didn't necessarily know when i was six. it wasn't super scary, but it wasn't the most restful thing in the world either... i think bad dreams change as you get older... fewer monsters and more stressors.

but maybe that's just me... i can't say that's the case for everyone.

my dream took place in a variety of environments, and at the same time, in the usual temporally inconsistent dream fashion: out in the pitch black woods at night and in my old bedroom from when i was a kid, among other places that have now blurred away into the waking world.

in the woods i had the feeling that i was with a group of people who were hiding from something. i couldn't see the people i was with, but i knew we were all out there. it was some sort of game. we couldn't get caught. something... somethings were looking for us, and they were good. the had phenomenal hearing and smell. they could move around easily in the dark, but they couldn't see very well, so as long as you laid absolutely still they probably would find you.

but they would walk amongst you. i could feel their feet push off the ground next to where i was laying as one by one they stepped over me, and they were massive things. i could feel the earth displace with their steps. i was nervous they would crush me if by chance they accidentally stepped on me. but that was their game... that's how they got you to move. that's how they found you, because they could only smell you. they wanted you to make a sound.

meanwhile THEY would make sounds. kind of a humming moaning chant that sounded like a song.

there was nothing scary about their song except that it didn't have words.. and it was related to them, and that make it scary.

so then, in my dream, i woke up to find myself in the dark in my childhood room... in bed. i knew where i was because i could just make out the features. it was very quiet for a few minutes and i just laid there. then i heard the chanting/ moaning again... it was coming from the hallway outside the door, and i froze. i knew if i moved or made a sound that they would come in...

how did they find me in my old room? i don't know man, it's a dream.

suddenly the door opened, and my uncle mike walked in. he used to live with us growing up, and was like a second dad to me. he passed away ten years ago last february.

he was trying to say something to me, and he was obviously upset, so they words really weren't coming out very clearly. either that or i can't remember them anymore, but the jist of it is that 'why was i making all this noise'. at the same time, he wasn't blaming me. he knew i wasn't making it, because he could see me and still hear it at the same time. but he was a little upset... as was i. i couldn't explain it to him because i still couldn't make a sound.

like when you wake up from a dream when you're a kid and you try to scream but have no voice.

i couldn't talk, even though i wanted to.

so my uncle left, and i laid there for a few minutes until the sounds passed, then i got up and ran down the hall into his room since i could finally move, but he wasn't there.

my grandparents were in his bed, but i realized it too late, and had already roused my grandfather, who grabbed me in his sleep, sat up, and smacked me hard, thinking i was an intruder. then my grandmother woke up, and i tried to explain what was going on and they said to stop imagining things, and to go back to bed.

so i did, and the sounds came back... this time in my room.

then i woke up and found myself here. i thought it was perhaps time to revisit that old practice of mine, and write it down to let it go.

thank you for your help.


Kelly said...

I was drawn to your blog today and now I know why! Aw....I WANT TO GIVE YOU THE HUGEST HUG in the entire world. I love you!

poahlani said...

this story made me think of that giant maglight you bought in arizona... good for shining light on monsters or beating away intruders. creepy dreams are the worst. *mentally transmitting a warm mug of milk and honey* and wishing you peaceful dreams.

•kime• said...

Oh Paddy, I'm sending you long distance hugs! Dreams are so powerful and not everyone takes the time to recognize them (I too, am a vivid dream writer although it's been fewer and far between from when I've last written them down). Thank you for sharing your dream! Love ya! kimcheez