Thursday, November 23, 2006

friend ramble

i’m not sure if my old friends truly appreciate the amount of love that is out there for them. it’s a serious love. a brotherhood. a friendship of fantastic proportions. there is a caring about their livelihood that cannot be explained or undermined. i can go for years without hearing from one of my friends and yet within an instant of the phone ringing, the kindship is back as if we had hung out the day before. I respect them. I admire them. I wish to emulate their better qualities and I wish to be there for their weaker moments, so they have someone to lean on, if needed. They are friends. They are family. They are my beloved.


Talking with Heather the other day, we both realized that we both individually need time on our own in order to be the least bit productive. I’ve got a business trip coming up, and I’m pretty excited. I feel like she’s finally going to get some time to figure stuff out and work on her projects... and hopefully i’ll be able to follow along with her meanderings as well as start my own.


we shall see.


much love



a work in progress said...

I think I understand...just a little important your friends and family are to you. I love you soooooooooo much!!

kidnoonan said...

yes indeed my dear elijah, and you are right up there at the top of the list!