Thursday, November 30, 2006


so i left out the front door to go to work today and realized that when we had put the garbage outside the front door (because it smelled and it was not yet garbage day) we had neglected to put it in any kind of fiddle proof container and the roving band of feral cats that rules our particular neighborhood had managed to find it. faithfully representing their particular style of behavior, they had managed to tear open an entire side of the bag and then shed its contents onto our front porch.

i calmly went back inside to grab a secondary refuse satchel (as if i had loads of time to spare) and proceeded to rebag a bunch of week old thanksgiving leftovers and bonsai potatoes. at that point i realized that i needed to dispose of this garbage myself, since the secondary bagging technique was not going to survive another cat raping.

so i proceeded down the lawn to our jeep. our jeep has the back seat removed and has become our designated "pick up type vehicle" (since i sold my truck) and therefore is the proper vehicle for transporting the odd bag of garbage to the dumpster at my work.

much to my chagrin however, was the realization that my handy dandy little remote gate opener was neither handy, nor dandy, NOR did is open our gate! i was locked in my own backyard (it was somewhat embarrasing)

that's about it...that and i went to belgium today. it was nice.

1 comment:

a work in progress said...

Ahhhhhhh!!! I hope things went better after that. I am SO HAPPY to read a slice of your wonderful and intriguing life. You make me smile. I miss you.